Monday, May 24, 2010

Closing in...

I'm nearly finished proofing the final copy of A Fairy Tale. Once I have, I will be submitting it to Smashwords for publication (see link). I haven't decided what price to set for my ebook yet but it most definitely will not be more that a few bucks. Things are getting exciting...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Here we go...

I was told I should start a blog to get the word out about my novel, A Fairy Tale. The cover art for my ebook was designed by Scott Jenner and is just smokin'. So to speak. It's a work in progress but if it's already this good...

So I wrote this novel, see, over a period of about 10 years. I originally wrote 17 pages. I didn't even look at it again until six or seven years went by. I tend to do that. If I pick it up and nothing comes to me, I put it down. I wish I could do what many other authors do, which is to get up in the morning and "write" for a few hours every day. How do they do that? I suppose they could be making out a shopping list or dashing off a letter to the editor of the local paper. If there are no ideas in my head, what am I suppose to write for a few hours every day? It perplexes me.

But an idea grew and changed...and mutated into the finished product. The greatest piece of writing advice I've ever received is that the author should write the ending first. Sounds nuts, I know, however it worked for me. And if you read the ending of my novel, a big question will then arise: how the hell did he come up with that? And I have a simple answer: hell if I know.

I'll go into greater detail about specific characters and plotlines and, well, monsters later. I have a feeling this first post is one of those "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" kind of deals...